A Theme of motivating Force:
ADHD, Aspurgic and Autistic spectrum individuals are viewed as chronic and severe, as are the manifold
types of personality disorders which display abnormal behaviour patterns, abnormal cognitive recognition and communicative
understanding and paranoia particularly with regard to and relating to the age of the patient within his or her social and
peer setting.
It is recognized even by some with less sever Autistic spectrum symptoms that many sufferers fail
to register completely in the physical world and seem to be detached from some awareness’s and cognitive registration.
They lack communication skills, hidden language abilities and understanding, normally registered by non-sufferers. Also lacking
is any empathy or accounting for the feelings or thoughts of others.
Through long habit they shut themselves off from the inflowing energies of the soul and of the
inflowing form energies of others, have very little conscience and a highly reactionary and unstable desire body. JPC.
The world of conditioning impulses and dynamic incentives:
Of such a nature that there is a low vitality, a lack of desire impulses, a failure to
register adequate dynamic incentives. EP2 419.
The Tibetan gives us an exquisite example of failure to register as tangible and objective certain
emotional and desire impulses, radiations and reactions of the "average human being." This strongly indicates a more severe
condition of an individual who more or less completely shut themselves off from such objective form radiations, which in reality
bring so much communication, information and understanding via the stream of consciousness. JPC.
The average human being may consider desire as subjective because he is so completely identified
with form life upon the outer planes that the impulses and incentives coming to him along the stream of consciousness are
viewed by him as intangible and mystical. Yet they are in reality but form radiations and reactions and
are not truly and technically subjective at all.
The high call of duty, the sense of responsibility are truly subjective in nature for they come
from the soul and are the response of the soul to the pull of the form.
Gradually, the disciple learns to distinguish between these distinctive aspects of energy and force
which impinge ceaselessly upon his consciousness. As time goes on, his analysis becomes ever more acute and more discriminating
until he knows finally which is an expression of force (coming from the form) and which are energy contacts (coming from the
soul). EA 389.
Regarding Autistic spectrum and related conditions, the above reference from DK indicates as theoretically
probable, that such individuals with these conditions express a marked failure to discriminate expressions of force emanating
from forms of other people in his environment as they "impinge ceaselessly" upon his consciousness. Indeed, they very
readily become overloaded and confused by what information they are able to register even in a much distorted and misunderstood
manner. In these instances these impressions are viewed very much as intangible and mysteriously incomprehensible. JPC.
The astral body is an aggregate of forces, working through into the consciousness in the form of
desires, impulses, longings, wishes, determinations, incentives, and projections, thus laying the basis for
much of the truth of the teachings of modern psychology. EH 43.
These transmitted
impressions and information become the incentive whereby conscious activity is initiated. There
are many words used to describe these forces and their actuating effects: such as impulses, incentives, influences,
potencies, desires, aspirations, and many such terms which are only synonyms for force or energy and thus
convey the same general idea.
All of these
words refer to forms of activity of the etheric body, but only as the physical body registers
them and acts under their impression. The whole theme of motivating force is one of great
interest. EH 83.
Indicated below DK states that just such an ability to register resolutions and incentives in thought
realities, a marked stage above the registering of desire impulses of even average humanity, brings the man or woman in time
to the integration of the personality. This offers yet another relative guide as to the condition and failure to register,
blocking off, or shutting out, through failure to integrate the etheric and physical vehicles of the autistic spectrum individual/condition.
It is this insistence upon thought, and this determination to handle life from the angle of mind
and not of emotion, which distinguish a "personality" from the rank and file of human beings. The man who thinks and who acts
upon the resolutions and incentives which have their origin in duly considered thought-realities becomes, in time, a "personality,"
and begins to sway other minds. BC 149.
The failure to register adequate dynamic incentives:
As a rule, however, the average man today is a closely knit and functioning
unit. (This is true whether one is considering the unevolved masses or the materialistically minded citizens of the
world.) He is firmly integrated physically, etherically and emotionally. His physical body, his vital body and his
desire nature (for emotion is but expressed desire of some kind or another) are close by knit.
At the same time there can be a weakness in the etheric integration, of
such a nature that there is a low vitality, a lack of desire impulses, a failure to register adequate dynamic
incentives, immaturity and sometimes obsession or possession.
Frequently what is called a lack of will and the labeling of a person as "weak-willed"
or "weak-minded" has in reality nothing to do with the will, but is apt to be the result of this feeble integration and loose
connection between the consciousness and the brain which renders the man negative to the desire impulses
which should normally stream through into his brain, galvanizing
his physical vehicle into some form of activity. EP2 419.
Right Solution and
The handling of these difficulties and their right solution is of a
definitely material nature, and the trouble is frequently overcome by increasing the vitality
of the body, building up the etheric body, through sunshine, vitaminous foods and exercise,
plus correct treatment and balancing of the endocrine system.
Along these lines much work is being done today and the less serious forms of etheric
cleavage are rapidly yielding to treatment. Lack of vitality, immaturity, depression based upon a weak
vital connection and lack of interest in life (so prevalent at this time) will become less frequent. EP2 419.
Each case has to be diagnosed and dealt with on its individual merits.
Furthermore, the consciousness of this dweller is sometimes so strongly orientated in directions
other than those of physical existence that a process of abstraction has taken place, with the
focus of the conscious interest elsewhere. EP2 420.
It is not possible for me to do more than hint at these various explanations and so
start investigators with open minds and the willingness to accept unusual hypotheses, along a trail which
may lead them into the valley of understanding.
The clue to success in eliminating these types of difficulty lies in prenatal care and study
of hereditary taints. The right culture of the body nature after birth and the development in the child of
a positive sense of himself, thus making him positive in thought and training his sense of self-identity - all these
are sound helps towards the elimination of this type of trouble. The tendency today to emphasize the vitamins in food
and to give a balanced diet is all to the good. EP2 421.
JPC. June 2006.